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Extraterrestrial Resources

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Extraterrestrial Resources

1.Amethyst Moon - We seek to open the heart to the Highest Source, to open the mind to infinite possibilities of our world and beyond, and to lift the spirit in order to find joy and happiness on all levels. W 06-06-05

2.A Circle of Light - psychic and angel readings, Get the most accurate online psychic readings about love, finances, jobs, careers, & marriage by the psychic who has been online since 1993; clairvoyant Rev. Cassandra Anaya, who channels 3 angels (Metatron, Uriel & Yannie). Best online angel reading. Best online psychic readings. Most accurate online readings any where. I send you love. W 06-06-05

3.Reiki Ryoho Pages - One of the most comprehensive and extensive web sites about Reiki and Reiho on the internet. These pages contain the History, Introduction, Organizations, Branches and Schools, Reiho Classes and Manuals by Adonea, explanations of how to do various Basic to Advanced Techniques, Usui Sensei's Principles, Excerpts from Mrs. Takata's Diary, Articles, Links, Art, Resources (including books, audio/video tapes, research papers, newsletters, newsgroups, mailing lists, message boards, chat rooms) and more. W 06-06-05 - Award winning UFO site with photographs, Roswell, Area 51, crop circles, abductions, conspiracy theories and more. W 06-06-05

5.Tarot By Jeanne By Email - Tarot and Psychic readings by EMAIL. Also 12 Month Readings, Compatibility, Astrology, Numerology Readings, New Age Articles, Soulmates, Angels, Advice Column, Free Horoscope and Love Match. W 06-06-05

6.Aliens Arrival - Do you believe that aliens exists? Have you ever seen a UFO? I believe. After all, we can't be the only planet in this huge universe that contains life. R 0

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